Examples of projects based on interdisciplinary and mixed approaches to emotion, mood, and depression
Kuzinas, A.**, Noiret, N.*, Bianchi, R.*, & Laurent, E. (2016). The effects of image hue and semantic content on viewer’s emotional self-reports, pupil size, eye movements, and skin conductance response. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts, 10(3), 360-371. DOI: 10.1037/a0040274
Examples of a theoretical approach based on multiscale analysis of cognition
Examples of an approach coordinating psychological theory, empirical data, and proposals for managerial and health policies
Laurent, E., & Bianchi, R. (2018). Humeur, "burnout" et dépression: enjeux sociétaux, constats scientifiques et stratégies managériales et politiques [Mood, burnout and depression: Societal challenges, scientific facts and managing and political strategies]. In F. Jamet, J. Baratgin, & C. Puigelier (Eds.), Burnout, droit et cognition [Burnout, law and cognition] (pp. 61-92). Le Mans, France: Éditions du Borrego.
Examples of letters analyzing published research in the field of mood disorders
Examples of experimental approaches to mood, cognition, and health
Noiret, N.*, Carvalho, N.*, Laurent, E., Chopard, G., Binetruy, M., Nicolier, M, Monnin, J., Magnin, E., & Vandel, P. (2018). Saccadic eye movements and attentional control in Alzheimer’s disease. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 33(1), 1-13. DOI: 10.1093/arclin/acx044
Noiret, N.*, Carvalho, N.*, Laurent, E., Vulliez, L., Bennabi, D., Chopard, G., Haffen, E., Nicolier, M., Monnin, J., & Vandel, P. (2015). Visual scanning behavior during processing of emotional faces in older adults with depression. Aging and Mental Health, 19(3), 264-273. DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2014.926473 [JIF ≈ 1.78]
Examples of psychometric approaches to mood and health
Bianchi, R., Mayor, E., Schonfeld, I. S., & Laurent, E. (2018). Burnout and depressive symptoms are not primarily linked to perceived organizational problems. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 23(9), 1094-1105. DOI: 10.1080/13548506.2018.1476725
Verkuilen, J., Bianchi, R., Schonfeld, I. S., & Laurent, E. (in press). Burnout-depression overlap: Exploratory structural equation modeling bifactor analysis and network analysis. Assessment. [JIF ≈ 3.80] DOI: 10.1177/1073191120911095