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*Student under my (co)supervision
**Foreign doctoral student temporarily hosted in my team
2. Noel, X., He, Q., Bechara, A., & Laurent, E. (Eds.) (2023). Rising Stars in Psychopathology Research. Research Topic (joint Special Issue) of Frontiers in Psychology and Frontiers in Psychiatry. [Topic Editor]
In press
80. Barsznica, Y., Vandel, P., Lambert, B., Monnin, J., Nicolier, M., De Pinho, C., Hickel, J., Richard-Devantoy, S., Morgny, C., Szymanska, M., Haffen, E., Laurent, E., Chopard, G., & Noiret, N. (in press). Emotional information processing in depressed elderly with suicidal behavior. L'Encéphale. DOI: 10.1016/j.encep.2024.09.004 [JIF ≈ 1.2]
79. Jonauskaite, D., Epicoco, D., Al-rasheed, A. S., Aruta, J. J. B., Bogushevskaya, V., Brederoo, S. G., Corona, V., Fomins, S., Gizdic A., Griber, Y. A., Havelka, J., Hirnstein, M., John, G., Jopp, D. S., Karlsson, B., Konstantinou, N., Laurent, E., Marquardt, L, Mefoh, P. C., Oberfeld, D., Papadatou-Pastou, M., Perchtold-Stefan, C. M., Spagnulo, G. F. M., Sultanova, A., Tanaka, T., Tengco-Pacquing, M. C., Uusküla M., Wąsowicz, G., & Mohr, C..(in press). A comparative analysis of colour-emotion associations in 16-88-year-olds from 31 countries. British Journal of Psychology, 115(2), 275-305. DOI: 10.1111/bjop.12687 [JIF ≈ 4.8]
78. Epicoco, D., Mohr, C., Uusküla, M., Quiblier, M., Bouayed-Meziane, M., Laurent, E., Spagnulo, G. F. M., & Jonauskaite, D. (2024). The PURPLE mystery – Semantic meaning of three purple terms in French speakers from Algeria, France, and Switzerland. Color Research and Application, 49(1), 93-112. DOI: 10.1002/col.22908 [JIF ≈ 1.4]
77. Hu, B., He, Q., Noel, X., Bechara, A., & Laurent, É. (2023). Editorial: Rising stars in psychopathology research. Frontiers in Psychology, 14:1264864. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1264864 [JIF ≈ 3.8]
76. Fernandes, M., Jonauskaite, D., Tomas, F., Laurent, E., & Mohr, C. (2023). Individual differences in self-reported lie detection abilities. PloS one, 18(5), e0285124. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0285124 [JIF ≈ 3.7]
75. Bague, K.*, & Laurent, E. (2023). Depressive symptoms and affordance perception: The case of perceived reachability boundary. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 30, 1396-1409. DOI: 10.3758/s13423-022-02242-6 [JIF ≈ 3.5] Springer Nature SharedIt link:
73. Barsznica, Y., Noiret, N., Lambert, B., Monnin, J., De Pinho, C., Hickel, J., Masse, C., Richard-Devantoy, S., Morgny, C., Bennabi, D., Haffen, E., Laurent, E., Vandel, P., & Chopard, G. (2021). Saccadic movement in elderly depressed patients with suicidal behaviors: an exploratory eye-tracking study. Frontiers in Psychology: Psychopathology, 12(712347). DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.712347 [JIF ≈ 2.99]
72. Verkuilen, J., Bianchi, R., Schonfeld, I. S., & Laurent, E. (2021). Burnout-depression overlap: Exploratory structural equation modeling bifactor analysis and network analysis. Assessment, 28(6), 1583-1600. DOI: 10.1177/1073191120911095 [JIF ≈ 3.80]
71. Bianchi, R., Verkuilen, J., Schonfeld, I. S., Hakanen, J. J., Jansson-Fröjmark, M., Manzano-García, G., Laurent, E., & Meier, L. L. (2021). Is burnout a depressive condition? A 14-sample meta-analytic and bifactor analytic study. Clinical Psychological Science, 9(4), 579–597. DOI: 10.1177/2167702620979597 [JIF ≈ 5.41] THIS RESEARCH HAS BEEN FEATURED BY THE ASSOCIATION FOR PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE (FROM APR. 30, 2021). [Is Burnout Depression by Another Name?]
70. Jonauskaite, D., Abu-Akel, A.,^ Dael, N.,^ Oberfeld, D.,^ Abdel-Khalek, A.M., Al-Rasheed, A.S., Antonietti, J.-P., Bogushevskaya, V., Chamseddine, A., Chkonia, E., Corona, V., Fonseca-Pedrero, E., Griber, Y., Grimshaw, G., Hassan, A.A., Havelka, J., Hirnstein, M., Karlsson, B.S.A., Laurent, E., Lindeman, M., Marquardt, L., Mefoh, P., Papadatou-Pastou, M., Pérez-Albéniz, A., Pouyan, N., Roinishvili, M., Romanyuk, L., Salgado Montejo, A., Schrag, Y., Sultanova, A., Uusküla, M., Vainio, S., Wąsowicz, G., Zdravković, S., Zhang, M., and Mohr, C. (2020). Universal patterns in color-emotion associations are further shaped by linguistic and geographic proximity. Psychological Science, 31(10) 1245-1260 DOI: 10.1177/0956797620948810 [JIF ≈ 4.90] ^shared second authorship
69. Bianchi, R., Laurent, E., Schonfeld, I. S., Bietti, L., & Mayor, E. (2020). Memory bias toward emotional information in burnout and depression. Journal of Health Psychology, 25(10-11), 1567-1575. DOI: 10.1177/1359105318765621 [JIF ≈ 2.81]
68. Jonauskaite, D., Abdel-Khalek, A. M., Abu-Akel, A., Al-Rasheed, A. S, Antonietti, J.-P., Ásgeirsson, A., Atitsogbe, K., Barma, J. M., Barratt, D., Bogushevskaya, V., Bouayed Meziane, M. K., Chamseddine, A., Charernboon, T., Chkonia, E., Ciobanu, T., Corona, V., Creed, A., Dael, N., Daouk, H., Dimitrova, N., Doorenbos, C. B., Fomins, S., Fonseca-Pedrero, E., Gaspar, A., Gizdic, A., Griber, Y., Grimshaw, G., Hasan, A. A., Havelka, J., Hirnstein, M., Karlsson, B., Kim, J., Konstantinou, N., Laurent, E., Lindeman, M., Manav, B., Marquardt, L., Mefoh, P., Mroczko-Wąsowicz, A., Mutandwa, P., Ngabolo, G., Muthusi, S., Oberfeld, D., Papadatou-Pastou, M., Perchtold, C. M., Pérez de Albéniz, A., Pouyan, N., Rashid Soron, T., Roinishvili, M., Romanyuk, L., Salgado Montejo, A., Sultanova, A., Tau, R., Uusküla, M., Vainio, S., Vargas-Soto, V., Volkan, E., Wąsowicz, G., Zdravković, S., Zhang, M., & Mohr, C. (2019). The sun is no fun without rain: Physical environments affect how we feel about yellow across 55 countries. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 66. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvp.2019.101350 [JIF ≈ 3.62] - THIS RESEARCH HAS BEEN FEATURED IN SCIENCE MAGAZINE (FROM OCT. 4, 2019). [What makes people happy when skies are gray? The color yellow]
65. Bianchi, R., Schonfeld, I. S., & Laurent, E. (2019). Burnout: Moving beyond the status quo. International Journal of Stress Management, 26(1), 36-45. DOI: 10.1037/str0000088 [JIF ≈ 1.63]
63. Bianchi, R., Mayor, E., Schonfeld, I. S., & Laurent, E. (2018). Burnout and depressive symptoms are not primarily linked to perceived organizational problems. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 23(9), 1094-1105. DOI: 10.1080/13548506.2018.1476725
62. Bianchi, R., Laurent, E., Schonfeld, I. S., Verkuilen, J., & Berna, C. (2018). Interpretation bias toward ambiguous information in burnout and depression. Personality and Individual Differences, 135, 216-221. DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2018.07.028 [JIF ≈ 1.96]
61. Laurent, E., Schonfeld, I. S., & Bianchi, R., Hawryluck, L., & Brindley, P. G. (2018). On the "bubble" of burnout's prevalence estimates. Intensive Care Medicine, 44(4), 544-545. [Discussion] DOI: 10.1007/s00134-018-5084-1 [JIF ≈ 12.01]
55. Noiret, N.*, Carvalho, N.*, Laurent, E., Chopard, G., Binetruy, M., Nicolier, M, Monnin, J., Magnin, E., & Vandel, P. (2018). Saccadic eye movements and attentional control in Alzheimer’s disease. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 33(1), 1-13. DOI: 10.1093/arclin/acx044 [JIF ≈ 2.01]
54. Schonfeld, I. S., & Laurent, E., & Bianchi, R. (2018). Burnout research: Eyes Wide Shut. Critical Care Medicine, 46(2), e179-e180. [Letter to the editor] DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000002795 [JIF ≈ 7.05]
44. Bianchi, R., Schonfeld, I. S. & Laurent, E. (2017). Can we trust burnout research? Annals of Oncology, 28(9):2320-2321. [Letter to the editor] DOI: 10.1093/annonc/mdx267 [JIF ≈ 9.27]
41. Noiret, N.*, Vigneron, B.*, Diogo, M.*, Vandel, P., & Laurent, E. (2017). Saccadic eye movements: What do they tell us about aging cognition? Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition, 24(5), 575-599. DOI: 10.1080/13825585.2016.1237613 [JIF ≈ 1.80]
40. Laurent, E., Bianchi, R., Schonfeld, I., & Vandel, P. (2017). Editorial: Depression, burnout, and other mood disorders: Interdisciplinary approaches. Frontiers in Psychology: Psychopathology, 8:282. [Editorial] DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00282 [IF ≈ 2.6]
35. Bianchi, R., Verkuilen, J., Schonfeld, I. S., Brisson, R., & Laurent, E. (2016). Burnout and depression: Label-related stigma, help-seeking, and syndrome overlap. Psychiatry Research, 245, 91-98. DOI: 10.1016/j.psychres.2016.08.025 [JIF ≈ 2.68]
34. Kuzinas, A.**, Noiret, N.*, Bianchi, R.*, & Laurent, E. (2016). The effects of image hue and semantic content on viewer’s emotional self-reports, pupil size, eye movements, and skin conductance response. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts, 10(3), 360-371. DOI: 10.1037/a0040274 [JIF ≈ 3.05]
30. Binetruy, M., Chopard, G., Laurent, E., Galmiche, J., Vandel, P., Moreau, T., & Magnin, E (2016). Slowing of information processing speed without motor slowing in multiple sclerosis observed during two Crossing-off tasks. Revue Neurologique, 172, 225-230. DOI: 10.1016/j.neurol.2015.12.008 [JIF ≈ 0.66]
25. Carvalho, N.*, Laurent, E., Noiret, N.*, Chopard, G., Haffen, E., Bennabi, D., & Vandel, P. (2015). Eye movement in unipolar and bipolar depression: A systematic review of the literature. Frontiers in Psychology: Psychopathology, 6:1809. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01809 [JIF ≈ 2.6]
19. Szymanska, M., Monnin, J., Noiret, N.*, Tio, G., Galdon, L., Laurent, E., Nezelof, S., & Vulliez-Coady, L. (2015). The Besançon affective picture set-adolescents (the BAPS-ado): Development and validation. Psychiatry Research, 228, 576-584. DOI: 10.1016/j.psychres.2015.04.055 [JIF ≈ 2.68]
13. Noiret, N.*, Carvalho, N.*, Laurent, E., Vulliez, L., Bennabi, D., Chopard, G., Haffen, E., Nicolier, M., Monnin, J., & Vandel, P. (2015). Visual scanning behavior during processing of emotional faces in older adults with depression. Aging and Mental Health, 19(3), 264-273. DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2014.926473 [JIF ≈ 1.78]
9. Carvalho, N.*, Noiret, N.*, Vandel, P., Monnin, J., Chopard, G., & Laurent, E. (2014). Saccadic eye movements in depressed elderly patients. PLoS ONE, 9(8), e105355. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0105355 [JIF ≈ 3.53]
8. Bianchi, R.*, Truchot, D., Laurent, E., Brisson, R., & Schonfeld, I. S. (2014). Is burnout solely job-related? A critical comment. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 55, 357-361. DOI: 10.1111/sjop.12119. [JIF ≈ 1.15]
Before 2014
7. Bianchi, R.*, Boffy, C., Hingray, C., Truchot, D., & Laurent, E. (2013). Comparative symptomatology of burnout and depression. Journal of Health Psychology, 18(6), 782-787. DOI: 10.1177/1359105313481079 [JIF ≈ 1.88]
5. Magnin, E., Sylvestre, G., Lenoir, F., Dariel, E., Bonnet, L., Chopard, G., Tio, G., Hidalgo, J., Ferreira, S., Mertz, C., Binetruy, M., Chamard, L., Haffen, S., Ryff, I., Laurent, E., Moulin, T., Vandel, P., & Rumbach, L. (2013). “Logopenic syndrome” in posterior cortical atrophy. Journal of Neurology, 260(2), 528-33. DOI: 10.1007/s00415-012-6671-7 [IF ≈ 3.47]
3. Laurent, E., Ward, P., Williams, A.M., & Ripoll, H. (2006). Expertise in basketball modifies perceptual discrimination abilities, underlying cognitive processes and visual behaviours. Visual Cognition, 13, 247-271. DOI: 10.1080/13506280544000020 [JIF ≈ 2.05]
14. Bague, K., & Laurent, É. (2024). Action boundary in 2D-cyberspace: A critical review of the action boundary perception tasks. In J. Baratgin, B. Jacquet, & H. Yama (eds), Human and Artificial Rationalities. HAR 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 14522. Springer, Cham.
13. Bague, K., Baratgin, J., & Laurent, E. (2024). Perspective chapter: Enacting emotional intelligence from the bidirectional link between mood and reasoning. In E. Laurent (Ed.), Emotional Intelligence - Understanding and Influencing Emotions. London, UK: IntechOpen. Chapter's DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1004225
12. Miranda Marcos, R., Brénugat, L., Bague, K., & Laurent, E. (2024). Perspective Chapter: Emotional intelligence from a neuropsychological perspective. In E. Laurent (Ed.), Emotional Intelligence - Understanding and Influencing Emotions. London, UK: IntechOpen. Chapter's DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1003527
11. Laurent, E., Bague, K., Vegas, C., & Dartevelle, J. (2022). Enacting happiness from emotions and moods. In F. Irtelli & F. Gabrielli (Eds.), Happiness - Biopsychosocial and anthropological perspectives (pp. 147-179). London, UK: IntechOpen (ISBN 978-1-80355-592-8). Chapter's DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.106954
10. Laurent, E., Noiret, N.*, & Bianchi, R. (2018). Emotional world perception in depression. In A. C. García-Blanco (Ed.), The role of emotions in mental illness (pp. 57-77). Hauppauge, New York: Nova Publishers.
9. Laurent, E., & Bianchi, R. (2018). Humeur, "burnout" et dépression: enjeux sociétaux, constats scientifiques et stratégies managériales et politiques [Mood, burnout and depression: Societal challenges, scientific facts and managing and political strategies]. In F. Jamet, J. Baratgin, & C. Puigelier (Eds.), Burnout, droit et cognition [Burnout, law and cognition] (pp. 61-92). Le Mans, France: Éditions du Borrego.
8. Bianchi, R., Schonfeld, I. S., & Laurent, E. (2018). Burnout syndrome and depression. In Y.-K. Kim (Ed.), Understanding depression: Contemporary issues (Vol. 2 "Clinical Manifestations, Diagnosis and Treatment", pp. 187-202). London, UK: Springer Nature.
7. Laurent, E., & Vandel, P. (2016). Conclusion: Pour une approche interdisciplinaire et intégrée de l'humeur normale et pathologique [Conclusion: A quest for an interdisciplinary and integrated approach to normal and pathological mood]. In E. Laurent & P. Vandel (Eds.), De l'humeur normale à la dépression en psychologie cognitive, neurosciences et psychiatrie [From normal mood to depression in cognitive psychology, neurosciences, and psychiatry] (pp. 305-311). Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium: De Boeck Supérieur (Collection Neuropsychologie).
6. Laurent, E., & Vandel, P. (2016). Introduction. In E. Laurent & P. Vandel (Eds.), De l'humeur normale à la dépression en psychologie cognitive, neurosciences et psychiatrie [From normal mood to depression in cognitive psychology, neurosciences, and psychiatry] (pp. ). Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium: De Boeck Supérieur (Collection Neuropsychologie).
5. Noiret, N.*, Carvalho, N.*, Vandel, P., & Laurent, E. (2016). Processus oculomoteurs dans la dépression: Aspects comportementaux et neuropsychologiques [Oculomotor processes in depression: Behavioral and neuropsychological aspects]. In E. Laurent & P. Vandel (Eds.), De l'humeur normale à la dépression en psychologie cognitive, neurosciences et psychiatrie [From normal mood to depression in cognitive psychology, neurosciences, and psychiatry] (pp. 223-242). Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium: De Boeck Supérieur (Collection Neuropsychologie).
4. Di Corrado, D., Agostini, T., Laurent, E., & Filaire, E. (2016). Fondements biologiques des effets de la pratique sportive sur l'humeur [Biological Foundations of sport practice effects over mood]. In E. Laurent & P. Vandel (Eds.), De l'humeur normale à la dépression en psychologie cognitive, neurosciences et psychiatrie [From normal mood to depression in cognitive psychology, neurosciences, and psychiatry] (pp. 47-58). Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium: De Boeck Supérieur (Collection Neuropsychologie).
3. Bianchi, R., Schonfeld, I. S., & Laurent, E. (2016). Burnout et dépression, entre normal et pathologique ? Histoire d'une différenciation hasardeuse [Burnout and depression, between normal and pathological? History of a hazardous differentiation]. In E. Laurent & P. Vandel (Eds.), De l'humeur normale à la dépression en psychologie cognitive, neurosciences et psychiatrie [From normal mood to depression in cognitive psychology, neurosciences, and psychiatry] (pp. 75-93). Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium: De Boeck Supérieur (Collection Neuropsychologie).
2. Bianchi, R.*, Boffy, C., Hingray, C., Truchot, D., & Laurent, E. (2014). Burnout et dépression. Petit exercice de symptomatologie comparée [Burnout and depression. Small exercise of comparative symptomatology]. In V. Christophe, C. Ducro, & P. Antoine (Eds.), Psychologie de la Santé : Individu, Famille et Société (chap. 39, pp. 219-222). Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion.
22. Berger, I., Laurent, E., Tio, G., & Magnin, E. (2017). « Tapping GeSTWoM » : une approche de la mémoire à court terme et de travail gestuelle. Revue Neurologique, 173(S2), S61-S62. DOI: 10.1016/j.neurol.2017.01.064
21. Bianchi, R., Laurent, E., Brisson, R. & Schonfeld, I. S. (2015). Chronic occupational stress does not discriminate burnout from depression. European Psychiatry, 30, Supplement 1, 353. DOI: 10.1016/S0924-9338(15)30278-9.
20. Bianchi, R., Boffy, C., & Laurent, E. (2015). Burnout is more strongly associated with generic factors than with job-related factors. European Psychiatry, 30, Supplement 1, 210. DOI: 10.1016/S0924-9338(15)30170-X.
19. Bianchi, R., Schonfeld, I. S., & Laurent, E. (2015). Does burnout help predict depression? A longitudinal investigation. European Psychiatry, 30, Supplement 1, 180,
18. Noiret, N.*, Carvalho, N.*, Monnin, J., Nicolier, M., Chopard, G., Tio, G., Haffen, E.,Vandel, P., & Laurent, E. (2013). Emotional face processing in depressed older adults. In K. Holmqvist, F. Mulvey & R. Johansson (Eds.), Book of Abstracts of the 17th European Conference on Eye Movements, 11-16 August 2013, in Lund, Sweden. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 6(3), 527.
17. Bianchi, R.*, Schonfeld, I. S., Truchot, D., & Laurent, E. (2013). Burned out but not depressed? A re-examination of the burnout-depression overlap. EHPS 2013 abstracts, Psychology & Health, 28(suppl. 1), 46.
16. Carvalho, N.*, Monnin, J., Noiret, N.*, Tio, G., Haffen, E., Laurent, E., & Vandel, P. Inhibition in elderly depressed patients: An eye-tracking study. 21st European congress of psychiatry, EPA 2013, Nice (France), 6-9 April. European Psychiatry, 28:sup 1(2182).
15. Bianchi, R.*, Truchot, D., & Laurent, E. (2012). Work engagement is associated with increased focusing on positive information. EHPS 2012 abstracts, Psychology & Health, 27(suppl. 1), 162.
14. Magnin, E., Bonnet, L., Dariel, E., Lenoir, F.*, Chopard, G., Laurent, E., & Sylvestre, G. (2012). Les troubles phasiques dans l’atrophie corticale postérieure. Revue Neurologique, 168(Supplement 2), Journées de Neurologie de langue française 2012, A25-A26. Doi : 10.1016/j.neurol.2012.01.060
13. Noiret, N.*, Claudon, A.*, & Laurent, E. (2012). Effects of mood induction on eye movement inhibition: An antisaccade task with emotional faces. Perception, 41, ECVP Abstract Supplement, 146.
12. Lavaux, M.*, & Laurent, E. (2011). Forest or trees? An analysis of the role of working contexts in the processing of global and local visual information. Perception, 40, ECVP Abstract Supplement, 181.
11. Laurent, E., & Bianchi, R.* (2011). Time course of visual scanning in anxiety: An eye movement study. Perception, 40, ECVP Abstract Supplement, 193.
10. Noiret, N.*, & Laurent, E. (2011). Effects of mood induction on eye movements during dual scene inspection. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 4(3), ECEM 16 Abstracts, 73.
9. Laurent, E., Poecker, M., Noiret, N., & Claudon, A. (2011). Eye movements during visual inspection of faces: Interactions between mood induction and face’s emotional valence. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 4(3), ECEM 16 Abstracts, 263.
8. Laurent, E., & Bianchi, R. (2011). Eye fixation distribution in dysphoria: Is there a mood-congruent visual search strategy? Journal of Eye Movement Research, 4(3), ECEM 16 Abstracts, 152.
7. Laurent, E., & Bianchi, R. (2010). Dehydration changes affective responses to visual stimulation. Perception, 39, ECVP Abstract Supplement, 33.
6. Bianchi, R., & Laurent, E. (2010). How mood influences global versus local processing of visual information: An eye-tracking study. Perception, 39, ECVP Abstract Supplement, 30.
5. Laurent, E., Izing, A., & Balverde, A. (2009). Categorical-learning influences on visual discrimination abilities: The view from Enactive Psychology. Perception, 38, ECVP Abstract Supplement, 101.
4. Bianchi, R., & Laurent, E. (2009). How global and local visual processings are affected by the priming of affective concepts. Perception, 38, ECVP Abstract Supplement, 55.
3. Gavault, E., Ripoll, T., Laurent, E., & Ripoll, H. (2004). Visual attention modulates categorical perception effects in basketball. Perception, 33, ECVP Abstract Supplement, 127.
2. Laurent, E., & Cury, F. (1999). Valeur prédictive d'un modèle tridimensionnel des buts d'accomplissement sur l'état d'anxiété cognitive et la motivation intrinsèque [Predictive value of a three-dimensional model of achievement goals on state cognitive anxiety and intrinsic motivation]. Science & Motricité, 38-39, ACAPS Symposia, 107-108.
1. Cury, F., Laurent, E., Sot, V., & de Tonnac, A. (1999). New directions upon achievement goals theory in sport: Development and predictive validity of the Approach and Avoidance Achievement in Sport Questionnaire (AAASQ). Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 21S, NASPSPA Abstracts, 34.
Invited and peer-reviewed contributions
IV-1 Oral presentations by the first author
20. Bague, K., Jamet, F., Laurent, É., & Baratgin, J. (2024, September 17-20). The role of mood in rationality: Relationships between depressive symptoms and endowment effect. [Paper presentation]. 3rd International Conference on Human and Artifical Rationalities, Paris, France
19. Bague, K., Jamet, F., Laurent, É., & Baratgin, J. (2024, June 10-12). Depressive symptoms in the exchange paradigm: involvements for theoretical accounts of the endowment effect. 10th International Conference on Thinking, ICT-2024, Milan, Italy
18. Bague, K., & Laurent, É. (2023, November 29-30). “Nudges” : évaluation d’efficacité, filiations théoriques, et prospectives. [Conference Session]. Nudge et éducation, International meeting (virtual), Paris, France
17. Bague, K., & Laurent, É. (2023, September 19-22). Assessing Perception of Virtual Action Boundary in 2D-cyberspace: a critical review of the Action Boundary Perception Tasks [Paper presentation]. 2nd International Conference on Human and Artifical Rationalities, Paris, France
16. Epicoco, D, Mohr, C., Uusküla, M., Quiblier, M., Bouayed Meziane, M., Laurent, E., & Jonauskaite, D. (2021). Making sense of free associations with PURPLE – A new coding scheme testing French speakers in three countries. Online talk given at the 14th International Color Association (AIC) congress, 31st August, Milan, Italy. Proceedings of the International Colour Association (AIC) Conference 2021. ISBN 978-0-6484724-3-8/ eISSN 2617-2429/ ISSN 2617-2410.
15. Jonauskaite, D., Mohr, C., & Lausanne International Colour-Emotion Suvey Collaborators (2019). How joyful is yellow? Geographic, climatological but no seasonal factors predict yellow-joy association in 55 countries. Talk given at the 2019 International Society for Research on Emotion (ISRE) pre-conference meeting "The Cultural Shaping of Emotion", 10th July 2019, Amsterdam, North Holland, The Netherlands.
14. Bianchi, R., Schonfeld, I. S., & Laurent, E. (2016). Is burnout predicted by job stress? A two-wave one-year study. 12th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, April 11-13, Athens, Greece.
13. Laurent, E., Marx, A.-L.*, & Noiret, N.* (2015). How your mood influences your eye fixations over classical portrait paintings: A case of motivated perception. Talk given at the 56th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Chicago, IL, USA. Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society, 20 (November 2015). [Emotion and Cognition session].
12. Bianchi, R.*, Schonfeld, I. S., Truchot, D., & Laurent, E. (2014). Is burnout a distinct syndrome? A study of the intertwining of burnout, anxiety, and depression. Talk given at the 28th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, 26th-30th August 2014, Innsbruck, Austria.
11. Bianchi, R.*, Boffy, C., Hingray, C., Truchot, D., & Laurent, E. (2012). Burnout et dépression. Petit exercice de symptomatologie comparée. Talk given at the 7e Congrès de l'Association Francophone de Psychologie de la Santé, Lille, France, 17-19 December.
10. Laurent, E., Viennet, C., & Mathy, F. (2011). Blindness increases accuracy of Absolute Judgment of Recency for sounds: An expertise effect? Talk given at the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Seattle, WA, USA. Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society, 16 (November 2011), 63. [Explicit Memory III session].
9. Ripoll, H., & Laurent, E. (2007). Do categories stored in memory of expert collective game players modulate visual information processing? In Y. Theodorakis, M. Goudas & A. Papaioannou (Eds.), Sport and Exercise Psychology – Bridges Between Disciplines and Cultures: Proceedings of the 12th European Congress of Sport Psychology, Halkidiki, Greece, 4-9th September (p. 181). [pdf]
8. Laurent, E. (2004). The role of cognition in perceptual expertise: From symbolic mediation to dynamic coupling. Invited talk at the European College of Sport Science pre-conference Symposium on Motor Behavior (sponsored by the World Commission of Science and Sport and the European College of Sport Science), 3rd July, Clermont-Ferrand, France. [pdf]
7. Laurent, E., & Ripoll, H. (2002). Categorical perception occurs in expert basketball players. In M. Koskolou, N. Geladas, & V. Klissouras (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Athens, Greece, 24-28th July, Vol. 2, (p. 609) (abstract). Athens: Pashalidis Medical Publisher. [pdf]
6. Laurent, E., & Ripoll, H. (2001). Interactions between conception and perception in expert basket-ball players. Oral presentation at the 8th Cognitive Science Summer School Symposium, Sofia, Bulgaria, 14th July. Sofia: New Bulgarian University. (5 pp.). [pdf]
5. Ripoll, H., Baratgin, J., Laurent, E., Courrieu, P., & Ripoll, T. (2001). Mechanisms underlying the activation of knowledge basis in identification of basketball play configurations by expert and non-expert players. In A. Papaioannou, M. Goudas, & Y. Theodorakis (Eds.), In the dawn of the new millennium: Proceedings of the 10th World Congress of Sport Psychology, Skiathos, Greece, 28th May - 2nd June, Vol. 2 (pp. 283-285). Thessaloniki: Christodoulidi Publications. [pdf]
4. Laurent, E., Ripoll, H., & Baratgin, J. (2000). Visuo-spatial cognition in sport: An approach based on the study of expertise. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Workshop of the European Society for the Study of Cognitive Systems, Oxford, United Kingdom, 26-29th August (abstract). Groningen: ESSCS. [pdf]
3. Laurent, E., Ripoll, H., Baratgin, J., & Kehlhoffner, E. (2000). Modalités d'activation des bases de connaissances chez le joueur expert dans la reconnaissance de configurations de jeu [Knowledge activation during recognition of game configurations in the expert player]. In P. Fleurance (Ed.), Actes du Congrès International de la Société Française de Psychologie du Sport, Paris, France, 7-10 Juillet, (pp. 41-42). Paris: INSEP. [pdf]
2. Laurent, E., & Cury, F. (1999). Valeur prédictive d'un modèle tridimensionnel des buts d'accomplissement sur l'état d'anxiété cognitive et la motivation intrinsèque [Predictive value of a three-dimensional model of achievement goals on state cognitive anxiety and intrinsic motivation] . Actes du 8ème Congrès International de l'Association des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives, Macolin, Suisse, 31 octobre - 3 novembre, (pp. 113-114). Geneva: FPSE.
1. Cury, F., Laurent, E., de Tonnac, A. & Sot, V. (1999). An underexplored aspect of achievement goals theory in sport: Development and predictive validity of the AAASQ. In V. Hosek, P. Tilinger, & L. Bilek (Eds.), Psychology of sport and exercise: Enhancing the quality of life. Proceedings of the 10th European Congress of Sport Psychology, Prague, Czech Republic, 7-12 July, (pp. 153-155). Prague: Charles University Press.
IV-2 - Posters
14. Laurent, E., Cichon, L*. & Vegas, C. (2022). Aging alters virtual action-boundary perception in 2D-cyberspace. Poster presented at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Boston, MA, USA. Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society, 27 (November), 263. [Action and Perception].
13. Vegas, C., & Laurent, E. (2020). When affordance-based expectations can be different from real motor performance: On the role of experimental induction of mood. Booklet of abstracts, New South Wales Sydney School of Psychology's Virtual Workshop on Expectation, Perception and Cognition (1st-2nd October) (p. 23).
12. Bague, K., & Laurent, E. (2020). Depressive symptoms and reachability perception: The role of expectations. Booklet of abstracts, New South Wales Sydney School of Psychology's Virtual Workshop on Expectation, Perception and Cognition (1st-2nd October) (p. 7).
11. Laurent, E., Noiret, N., Poecker, M., & Claudon, A.. (2017). Mood Regulation Through the Eye of the Beholder: An Eye-Tracking Approach. Poster presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society.
10. Laurent, E ., Rosier, S., & Mathy, F. (2014). Vicariance in adolescents’ judgment of time: A view from Absolute Judgment Of Recency (AJOR). Poster presented at the "Conscious Experience of Time" Conference of the Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Berlin, Germany, 30 September - 2 October.
9. Laurent, E ., Welklen, K., & Noiret, N. (2013). Dehydration changes inhibitory regulation of eye movements and visual search. Poster presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Toronto, ON, Canada. Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society, 18 (November), 158. [Action and Perception II].
8. Bianchi, R., Truchot, D., & Laurent, E. (2012). Emotional information processing in burnout: An oculomotor and electrodermal investigation. Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, Marseilles, France, 9th-12th May (p. 71).
5. Gavault, E., Ripoll, T., Laurent, E., & Ripoll, H. (2004). Visual attention modulates categorical perception effects in basketball. Electronic Proceedings of the European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2004), Budapest, Hungary, 22-26 August (abstract).
4. Laurent, E., Ripoll, T., & Ripoll, H. (2001). Categorical perception as adaptive processing of complex visuo-spatial configurations in high-level basketball players. In Johanna D. Moore, & Keith Stenning, Electronic proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 1-4th August (abstract). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society Inc.
3. Laurent, E. (2001). Expertise, memory, and visual perception in sport context: What links? In Actes du Colloque Annuel de l'Ecole Doctorale des Sciences de la Vie et de la Santé d'Aix-Marseille, Marseilles, France, 15-16 Mai 2001, (p. D32), (abstract). Marseilles: Université de la Méditerranée.
2. Poplu, G., Laurent, E., Baratgin, J., & Ripoll, H. (2000). Modalités d'encodage perceptif de configurations de jeu de basket-ball [Perceptual encoding of basketball game configurations]. In P. Fleurance (Ed.), Actes du Congrès International de la Société Française de Psychologie du Sport, Paris, France, 7-10 Juillet, (pp. 290-291). Paris: INSEP.
1. Laurent, E., Sot, V. & Cury, F. (1999). Développement et valeur prédictive du Questionnaire d’Approche et d’Evitement de l’Accomplissement Sportif [Development and predictive value of the Approach and Avoidance Achievement in Sport Questionnaire]. Actes du Congrès National de la Société Française de Psychologie, Aix-en-Provence, France, 25-27 Mai, (pp. 183-184) (abstract). Aix-en-Provence: Presses de l'Université de Provence (ICA).